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In his chairman's statement in Reunert's 2013 Integrated Report, Trevor Munday advised that chief executive, David Rawlinson, would retire in 2014. He wrote that after a distinguished term as group financial director, Mr Rawlinson had stepped into the chief executive role in 2011 at a time when Reunert required a steady and experienced hand to stabilise the group after a disruptive period. At the time, he was on the verge of retirement and yet, in demonstrating his commitment to Reunert, he assumed the formidable role of chief executive for a period of two-to-three years.
That period is now approaching completion. The Reunert board and executive committee express their deep appreciation to Mr Rawlinson for his stellar service over many years and wish him and his wife, Sue, a well-deserved, happy and healthy retirement.
Mr Alan Dickson will be appointed as chief executive with effect from 1 October 2014, being the start of Reunert's new financial year.
Mr Dickson (M.Sc. Electrical Engineering; MBA with distinction), is 44 years old and has been with the Reunert group for 17 years. Having progressed steadily through the group in a number of managerial positions, he was appointed managing director of CBi Electric, African Cables, in 2009 and managing director of CBi Electric, African Cables and Low Voltage, in 2012. In 2013 he was appointed as an executive director of Reunert. The board is confident that Mr Dickson has the vision, experience and character to provide exceptional leadership to the Reunert group.